Najpopularniejsze w angielskiej uproszczonej Wikipedii w październiku 2008 roku
wer. 1.6
# Zmiany Nazwa Popularność
2 2List of Disney movies
3 8Erection
4 1List of figures in Greek mythology
5 684Halloween
6 11
7 9Simple English Wikipedia
8 1Clitoris
9 2Ejaculation
10 3United States
11 1Penis
12 9Cellular respiration
13 2Sexual intercourse
15 5List of Disney animated movies
16 17YouTube
170List of fruits
18 1Testicle
19 1Simple English
21 21Democratic Party (United States)
22 13Masturbation
23 217Craigslist
24 16Encyclopedia
25 232
26 2Body
27 4Natural resource
28 6Vagina
29 30Illegal drugs
30 5English language
31 126Cell nucleus
32 9Sex
33 6Philosophy
34 76Barack Obama
35 4Sex organ
36 10Unicellular organism
37 15Global warming
38 7Cell
39 15Dictionary
40 3Australia
41 5Breast
42 8Movie
43 21Atom
44 12Judaism
45 32Mountain
46 24Mathematics
47 2Heart
48 19Basic English
49 29Christianity
50 6India
51 13Computer
52 1Canada
53 10Islam
54 6Really Simple Syndication
55 19Germany
56 68Zodiac
570World War II
58 3Human rights
59 4Metamorphosis
60 30Constitution of the United States
61 15Association football
62 8Verb
63 16List of colors
64 38Big Ben
65 25Buddhism
66 13United Kingdom
67 22United States Declaration of Independence
68 1World War I
69 126Seismic retrofit
70 2Communism
710List of planets
72 3Blood
73 26List of vegetables
74 6Past tense
75 22Frenulum
76 111Socialism
77 34Noun
78 12Periodic table
79 77Hinduism
80 20London
81 1European Union
82 9France
83 15Orgasm
84 46Government
85 77Economics
86 54List of diseases
87 90Carbon steel
88 47Physics
89 25Computer science
90 5Bird
91 1Earth
92 4List of Roman gods and goddesses
93 515Indonesia
94 1List of emotions
95 63Wiki
96 7List of elements
97 13Spain
98 12Internet
99 48Language
100 31Nudity
1-100 | 101-200 | 201-300 > >>


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