Najpopularniejsze w angielskiej uproszczonej Wikipedii w listopadzie 2009 roku
wer. 1.6
# Zmiany Nazwa Popularność
601 12239Sesame Street
602 84Open source
603 213Acceleration
604 140Banana
605 89Hermaphrodite
606 67Website
607 29Special relativity
608 158Picture
609 186Paper
610 56New York
611 67Sweden
612 51Motherboard
613 177Peripheral equipment
614 417Kamikaze
615 435Schrödinger's cat
616 233Genetics
617 191Teal (color)
618 66Joseph Stalin
619 176Socrates
620 337Laptop
621 1402Taylor Swift
622 9Carbon dioxide
623 29Fable
624 104History of India
625 108Afghanistan
626 6Sociology
627 48Cricket
629 231Pope John Paul II
630 191Isotope
631 25Marxism
632 175YouTube
633 82Uranus
634 151Indian independence movement
635 62WWE
636 14Aristotle
637 137List of countries by area
638 125Menstruation
639 40List of operating systems
640 191Computer program
641 135Meiosis
642 74Higgs boson
643 2212Guy Fawkes
644 41Radio
645 279Pluto
646 9518Saturday Night Live
647 2832 Girls 1 Cup
648 73Eiffel Tower
649 157Fever
650 112Israel
651 54Monkey
652 83Internet Protocol
653 63Disease
654 254Salivary gland
655 64Hydrogen
656 182Tornado Alley
657 224Clothing in Ancient Greece
658 58Continental United States
659 80Cyan
660 3274Nuclear physics
661 101Nerve
662 171Interval (music)
663 33List of soccer clubs in the United States
664 50Protein
665 86Game
666 47Washington, D.C.
667 41Heat
668 404Voltmeter
669 114World history
670 331Leet
671 209Judy Garland
672 216Jamaica
673 3The Walt Disney Company
674 68Feces
675 48Welding
676 230Rastafari movement
677 202GNU Free Documentation License
678 79John Lennon
679 174Lysergic acid diethylamide
680 3Kinetic energy
681 44Opera
682 136Smiley
683 136International Phonetic Alphabet
684 96Alexander Graham Bell
685 322Great Depression
686 50Polish language
687 109Mozilla Firefox
688 39Archimedes
689 332Chocolate
690 20Musical note
691 29Molecule
692 330Commonwealth of Nations
693 19Greece
694 158Green Day
695 1392Hanami
696 36Titanic
697 24Geometry
698 201List of Jupiter's moons
699 2020Glass rod
700 43Alexander the Great
<< < 401-500 | 501-600 | 601-700 | 701-800 | 801-900 > >>


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