Najpopularniejsze w angielskiej uproszczonej Wikipedii w czerwcu 2017 roku
wer. 1.6
# Zmiany Nazwa Popularność
301 93Phrase
302 204Bullying
303 35Baobab
304 58Television
305 34List of cities in Italy
306 338Climbing plant
307 54String instrument
308 38Bacchus
309 132King Arthur
310 149Aung San Suu Kyi
311 24Ra
312 59List of WWE Champions
313 41List of cities in the United Kingdom
314 22List of Christian denominations by number of members
315 41Advertising
316 109American Revolutionary War
317 12Horus
318 98William Shakespeare
319 113Government of India Act 1935
320 70Washington, D.C.
321 18Rabbit
322 22Continental United States
323 392Malleability
324 1576Matter
325 200Computer printer
326 2Homosexuality
327 54Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo
328 194Drought
329 213Respiratory system
330 28Photosynthesis
331 463Sparrow
332 83Carbon steel
333 73Plasma (physics)
334 326Banana
335 218Mormonism
336 102Service sector
337 139Paris
338 735Banyan
339 81Movie
340 31Renaissance
341 103Leonardo da Vinci
342 30Marxism
343 108Terrace farming
344 163Bird nest
345 23List of tallest buildings in the United States
346 49Lorem ipsum
347 157Galahad
348 255Deer
349 59High school
350 120Snake
351 130Metallic bond
352 163Biodiversity
353 99Satellite (artificial)
354 104Autumn
355 41Deforestation
356 52Indus River
357 48Software
358 124Set (deity)
359 38Dynamics (music)
360 21Bitcoin
361 3Jesus
362 53Teacher
363 35England
364 283Red Fort
365 29List of extinct volcanoes
366 73Kernel (computer science)
367 90List of Percy Jackson and the Olympians characters
368 2Café
369 2602K. Kamaraj
370 360Cotton
371 1727Rakesh Sharma
372 46Culture
373 63Nazism
374 53Neuron
375 165Michelson–Morley experiment
376 55Evolution
377 128Holi
378 223Palaeolithic
379 75Healthy lifestyle
380 26Prussia
381 22Qutb ud-Din Aibak
382 193Harmonium
383 308Nylon
384 163Tiger
385 15Light bulb
386 26Higgs field
387 445Silk
388 5Consonant
389 374Jawaharlal Nehru
390 324Natural environment
391 286Noun
392 144Human evolution
393 128Hard and soft drugs
394 105List of Asian countries by population
395 101Giant panda
396 130Los Angeles
397 48Facebook
398 142Cattle
399 131Clinical thermometer
400 24Hindu gods
<< < 101-200 | 201-300 | 301-400 | 401-500 | 501-600 > >>


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